Alison Weir – so cruel, & speaking to / outta my heart!

To Alison Weir’s reply to JVP..

[1st comment I wrote directly to her:]
So cool, what you did / the way you acted! – That you tried to clarify, and communicate directly with them, that is crucial (except communication partner avoids communication.. ;)) for example.

Haha, your experiences on tour sound amazingly like the ones of Gilad Atzmon.. ;))

[to Ronnie doubting Alison Weir’s reputation]
Well, I either don’t know her – but in a way some of her words speak for themselves (right?) :
“My goal is to try to reach everyone with the fundamental principle that all racism is wrong and to provide facts that will counter the falsehoods being given to them about Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Iranians, and others.”

This, and (right before) – what speak for me from my heart as well:
“This* is what I try to convey to audiences whenever and wherever I can, as I believe that ending the long-standing injustice and horror in Palestine is the best way to protect human rights, security and peace for all parties and, indeed, the world. I believe the issue is too urgent to become distracted.”

* “the plight of Palestinians, my trips to the region, the media distortion on Palestine, how much money we give Israel, our responsibility to bring justice and peace, the real facts about Islam, the importance of opposing all racism, the fact that there are many Jewish-Americans who oppose Israeli oppression, etc.”

All that and what she wrote before sounded totally reasonable to me, and convinced me to read through it that far.. ;))

Got me, Ronnie?

“–> JVP: „Our movement must be built on a foundation of love, justice and equality for all people.“
That sounds excellent. I hope JVP will live up to these principles and will stop attacking people like me.

Our own statement of principles, posted on the If Americans Knew website (, affirms:
„We believe all people are endowed with inalienable human rights regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, or nationality. We believe in justice, fairness, and compassion and in treating all human beings with respect, empathy, and in the manner in which we would wish to be treated.“”

[directly to her:]
“we should work to provide the compelling facts that will end the tragedy.”

Agree totally :)) )

Wow, their habits are really a shame! – To me as a human / of the same species.. ;)) – And they ARE truly bizarre ways of attacking you, wow!

Yes, it is so amazingly
“revealing that JVP’s accusation against me fails to mention that Rev. Dankof [and the other associated alike] has also interviewed peace activists Ray McGovern and Jennifer Lowenstein, Israeli professor and author Ilan Pappe, and journalist and commentator Dilip Hiro, among many others.”

[after ;]]
Oh, what nice words – congratulations to take effect like that! –:
„I thought the presentation last night was awesome. She brought sunshine, hope, love, and so much courage to all of us. She is very brave to write and speak such truth in these times. So many have come before her and failed. It was wonderful to know there is still such a powerful voice for the actual history in the Middle East. She was an inspiration.“

Let me end with Peter Tosh “Equal Rights” /
Everyone is crying out for peace – none is crying out for justice
I don’t want no peace – I need equal rights and justice!

Look what a commentator wrote on this tune:
“From listening to this song, I have come to a conclusion that I have been going about everything wrong. It should not be peace that we want, but Justice. Most people scream peace but isn’t that just closing your eyes and being naive. We can never truly have peace till we have justice. And that may be a forever on going battle.”

And it is so, right?
(well, let’s say „challenge“ instead of battle.. ;))

Stay strong, and all the best to you, Mrs. Weir,
and thanks again for doing your immense part of important work!

[and, directly to her:]
Haha, in 1992 Mr. Tosh already sung about „Palestinians fighting for – equal rights and justice“!

[directly III]
Oh, dear Mr. Weir,
you’re writing exactly what I have in my heart and in my brain as well:

“This* is what I try to convey to audiences whenever and wherever I can, as I believe that ending the long-standing injustice and horror in Palestine is the best way to protect human rights, security and peace for all parties and, indeed, the world. I believe the issue is too urgent to become distracted.”

* “the plight of Palestinians, my trips to the region, the media distortion on Palestine, how much money we give Israel, our responsibility to bring justice and peace, the real facts about Islam, the importance of opposing all racism, the fact that there are many Jewish-Americans who oppose Israeli oppression, etc.”

Thank you so much!

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