”Blue Solar Water Heals the Body and Spirit“ – Here Is How To Make It

Ich probiere es gerade aus .. also: bald. Blaue Flaschen stehen zwar draußen, aber statt Sonne regnet es (bin nicht sicher, wie sehr Regenstunden zählen, von wegen ”nicht mehr als 12 Stunden“.. ;)).

How to make Blue solar water?          All you need is a blue glass bottle (the shade of blue is not important) and fill it up with filtered, spring or plain tap water. You also need to make sure that the cap you seal the bottle with is not made of metal. It can be glass or plastic, but never use metal. The cap only serves as a protection against dust or insects that are very fond of this water.This water bottle should be then kept on the sun for 1-12 hours. The longer you keep it on the sun, the sweeter its taste will get. But remember not to keep it longer than 12 hours.How to drink it?Drink this water as much as possible, it is very tasty and drinkable. Somehow, our body recognizes it, so even those who don’t drink so much water will have no problem drinking a few liters.In addition to drinking it, you can use this water for cooking, watering flowers, for your animals, add it in the washing machine, dishwasher, put in a sprayer and refresh the rooms, add it to your bath…Once you have made your Blue Solar Water you can transfer it into another container, plastic or glass, doesn’t matter. It can be kept in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

How to make Blue solar water?

blue water bottle









All you need is a blue glass bottle (the shade of blue is not important) and fill it up with filtered, spring or plain tap water. You also need to make sure that the cap you seal the bottle with is not made of metal. It can be glass or plastic, but never use metal. The cap only serves as a protection against dust or insects that are very fond of this water.

This water bottle should be then kept on the sun for 1-12 hours. The longer you keep it on the sun, the sweeter its taste will get. But remember not to keep it longer than 12 hours.

How to drink it?

Drink this water as much as possible, it is very tasty and drinkable. Somehow, our body recognizes it, so even those who don’t drink so much water will have no problem drinking a few liters.

In addition to drinking it, you can use this water for cooking, watering flowers, for your animals, add it in the washing machine, dishwasher, put in a sprayer and refresh the rooms, add it to your bath…

Once you have made your Blue Solar Water you can transfer it into another container, plastic or glass, doesn’t matter. It can be kept in the refrigerator or at room temperature.


Quelle: Blue Solar Water Heals the Body and Spirit: Here Is How To Make It – Zen Gardner

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